Gina and Guy deliver a suite of workshops targeting all ages. So far, they have reached more than 60,000 people, sharing Noongar language through music workshops and publishing books across Australia.


And that number is rapidly growing.


Workshops are great for schools, as well as community groups and the corporate sector. They can be delivered at any time during the year (you don't have to wait for Reconciliation Week or NAIDOC Week!).


Current workshops are primarily available in Western Australia. Interstate (and overseas) workshops can be organised, subject to touring schedules.


If you'd like to engage a performance or workshop, simply click on the tab which best describes what you are after, take a look at what we can offer you and then fill in your details. Someone from the workshops team will respond as soon as possible.


PLEASE NOTE: By completing this form, you agree to abide by Gina and Guy's strict NO FILMING policy.